Mul(A[0…n-1], B[0…n-1], n)
//计算两个大整数A[], B[]的乘积
if (n == 1)
return A[0] * B[0];
if (n%2 == 0)
A[0…n] = ‘0’ + A[0…n-1] ;
B[0…n] = ‘0’ + B[0…n-1] ;
a1 = A[0, n/2]; //A的前半部分
a0 = A[n/2, n-1]; //A的后半部分
b1 = B[0, n/2]; //B的前半部分
b0 = B[n/2, n-1]; //B的后半部分
/*那么A = a1*10^n/2 + a0 B = b1*10^n/2 + b0
c = a*b = (a1*10^n/2 + a0)*(b1*10^n/2 + b0)
= (a1*b1)10^n + (a1*b0 + a0*b1)10^n/2 + (a0*b0)
=c2*10^n + c1*10^n/2 + c0
其中,c2 = a1 * b1, 是它们前半部分的积,c0 = a0 * b0,是它们后半部分的积
c1 = (a1*b0 + a0*b1) = (a1 + a0) * (b1 + b0) – (c2 + c0) ----利用已经算出来的积(c2, c0),减少乘法的数量(2次 à 1 次)
c2 = Mul(a1, b1);
c0 = Mul(a0, b0);
c1 = Mul(a1+a0, b1+b0) – (c2 + c0);
return c2*10^n + c1*10^n/2 + c0;
当n>1时,M(n) = 3M(n/2), M(1) = 1
当n = 2^k时, 我们可以利用反向替换法对它求解:
M(2^k) = 3M( 2^(k-1) ) = 3^2 M( 2^(k-2)
= 3^k M(2^(k-k)) = 3^k
因为k = log2n,
M(n) = 3log2n = n^1.585;
#include#include #include #include //支持的大整数的位数#define N 1000/* @brief reverse a string */void reverseStr(char *A, int n){ int i = 0, j = n-1; char temp; while (i < j) { temp = A[i]; A[i] = A[j]; A[j] = temp; i++; j--; }}/* @brief return the maximum of three numbers */int max3(int a, int b, int c){ if (a>b) { return a>c?a:c; } else return b>c?b:c;}/* @brief caculate the difference of A, B, restore the result in C. the three numbers are represented in the form of string*/void substract2str(const char *A, const char *B, int n, char *C){ int i, borrow = 0; for (i = 0; i = B[i]) { C[i] = (A[i] - B[i] - borrow) + '0'; borrow = 0; } else { C[i] = (A[i] +10 - B[i] - borrow) + '0'; borrow = 1; } }}/* @brief caculate the sum of A, B, restore the result in C. the three numbers are represented in the form of string*/void add2str(const char *A, const char *B, int n, char *C){ int i, sum, carry; carry = 0; for (i = 0; i char carry = sum/10; } if (carry) C[i] = '1';}/* @brief return the product of two big integers A, B, which are represented in the form of string, also the product.*/char* Mul(char *A, char *B, size_t n){ //一位数相乘,直接返回结果 if (n == 1) { char *rst = (char *)malloc(3*sizeof(char)); if (rst == NULL) { printf("Allocate memory failed!\n"); exit(1); } rst[2] = 0; int temp = (A[0] - '0') * (B[0] - '0'); rst[0] = temp%10 + '0'; if (temp/10) rst[1] = temp/10 + '0'; else rst[1] = 0; return rst; } //高位补0,使n为偶数 if (n % 2 != 0) { *(A+n) = '0'; *(B+n) = '0'; n++; } char *a0 = A; //A 的后半部分 char *a1 = A + n/2; //A 的前半部分 char *b0 = B; //B 的后半部分 char *b1 = B + n/2; //B 的前半部分 size_t i; //多分配一位,因为下一层次的计算中有可能要补一位 char *tp1 = (char *)calloc(n/2+2, sizeof(char)); char *tp2 = (char *)calloc(n/2+2, sizeof(char)); strncpy(tp1, a1, n/2); strncpy(tp2, b1, n/2); char *c2 = Mul(tp1, tp2, n/2); strncpy(tp1, a0, n/2); strncpy(tp2, b0, n/2); char *c0 = Mul(tp1, tp2, n/2); free(tp1); tp1 = NULL; free(tp2); tp2 = NULL; //两个乘积对齐 if (strlen(c2) > strlen(c0)) { for (i=strlen(c0); i strlen(pb)?strlen(pa):strlen(pb); //对齐pa和pb if (len > strlen(pa)) { pa[len-1] = '0'; } else if (len > strlen(pb)) { pb[len-1] = '0'; } char *pd; pd = Mul(pa, pb, len); len = strlen(pd); free(pa); pa=NULL; free(pb); pb=NULL; //两个n位数的积的位数肯定大于两个n位数的和的位数 char *pc = (char *)calloc((len+1), sizeof(char)); if (pc == NULL) { printf("Allocate memory failed!\n"); exit(1); } add2str(c2, c0, strlen(c0), pc); //pd pc 对齐 for (i=strlen(pc); i 地位顺序输入, 则A的低地址存的是最高位的数。 比如输入95432,那么内存中会是这样的A[0] A[1] ... A[0] : 9 5 ... 2 而我们的算法是建立在低地址存最低位基础上的,所以需要一个reverse操作。 */ reverseStr(A, strlen(A)); reverseStr(B, strlen(B)); //对齐A和B --> 通过高位补零 if (strlen(A) > strlen(B)) { for (i=strlen(B); i